A lightweight and easy way to add session support to the flutter app.

If You don’t want users to enter their information every time they open an app rather you would like to have them saved across the app lifecycle. That’s mean you want to store the user’s information and access it during the application lifetime.

To achieve so we going to use the Flutter session package an easy and simple way to store the information and access it during the app lifecycle.

What you will learn

Installation of package.

Saving data.

Retrieving data.

Installing Flutter Session

Let’s start by just adding a flutter session to our project (i.e. pubspec.yaml dependencies) and running pub get.

  flutter_session: ^0.1.1

You can install packages from the command line with Flutter :

$ flutter pub get

Alternatively, your editor might support _flutter pub get_.

One more step before we move to the implementation part and that would be …

Yes! you guessed it right importing the package:

import ‘package:flutter_session/flutter_session.dart’;

Finally, now we’re ready to use a flutter session.

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Session In Flutter
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