Top React Audio Player Components (Music Players)

1. Guitar chord SVGs in React

Simple react component for guitar chord charts with audio.

Guitar chord SVGs in React

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2. React H5 Audio Player

React audio player component with UI. It provides time indicator on both desktop and mobile devices.

React H5 Audio Player

View Demo

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3. React Audio Player

This is a light React wrapper around the HTML5 audio tag. It provides the ability to manipulate the player and listen to events through a nice React interface.

React Audio Player

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4. React Audio Analyser

Recording audio and drawing the curve. support for converting the audio to wav.

React Audio Analyser

Demo :

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5. React Responsive Audio Player

A simple, clean, and responsive visual wrapper for the HTML audio tag, built with React. Give it a playlist and go.

React Responsive Audio Player

6. React Modular Audio Player

React Audio Player Component for HTML5 Audio: Customizable, Modular, & Styleable
This is the react audio player solution you’ve been looking for!

React Modular Audio Player

It looks great with almost no learning curve, and setup is fast 'n easy. If you want more options, it’s highly customizable and easily styled.


  • Single component, ready for use instantly
  • Customizable, modular, and styleable
  • Add your own icons, change the order, decide which subcomponents/icons are rendered

Demo :

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7. React Audio Player

Setup controls with React for HTML5 audio element to save playback time to localStorage and restart play from last location after refresh.

  • Space bar will pause/play (after pressing play button).
  • Move playback forward with right arrow.
  • Move playback backward with left arrow.
  • Mouse wheel will advance and backup playback as well.

8. iTunes Remote

Remotely control iTunes on Mac without Internet!
Multiple clients can access the remote independently, and the UI will always be in sync

iTunes Remote

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9. React Melody Composer

This is an experiment made with React and the Web Audio API. Unleash your creativity and compose your own melody!

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Top React Audio Player Components (Music Players)
75.40 GEEK