Hello guys, if you are aiming for Spring certification in 2021 and thinking about how to prepare for spring professional certification then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the best Spring certification resources, and today, I am going to show step by step guide on how to prepare for Spring certification in 2021.

Ever since Pivotal (now Vmware), the company behind the Spring framework made the mandatory Spring training optional (see here), I have received many queries from experienced Java developers who are interested in doing Spring certifications.

This move from Pivotal has suddenly made the Spring certification affordable for many experienced Java and Spring developers who were interested in Spring certification earlier but couldn’t progress further due to expensive mandatory training.

Since many of them are now preparing for Spring certifications like Spring Core 5 or Spring Professional 5 via self-study they are increasingly looking for good resources to prepare for the exam. I have received a lot of questions on preparation, booksmock exams, exam structure, passing marks, and useful resources.

In this article, I have tried to outline some of my tried and tested strategies for clearing the Spring Professional 5 certification in this post. To be honest, preparing for Spring certifications like Spring Core are not very different from taking Java certifications like OCAJP and OCPJP.

Similar to Oracle certifications, Spring certifications are also multiple-choice questions where you need to **answer 76% of questions correctly **to pass the exam i.e. 38 questions out of 50.

Yes, the **passing percentage is higher **than Oracle Java certification but the format is similar, hence you can use the same strategy to prepare for Spring certifications like reading a good bookpracticing a lot of mock exams, attending a training, preparing your own notes, and participating in web and forums to keep your knowledge up-to-date and revise them often.

The latest Spring framework certification in Spring Core Professional v5.0. It is based upon the latest Spring framework version 5. If you are thinking about Spring certification, I suggest you go for this one because it will provide you a competitive edge over other developers and also help you to learn and master Spring 5 concepts like Reactive Programming.

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Spring Professional Certification (VMware EDU-1202) — The Ultimate Guide to Pass Spring…
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