What is new in Bootstrap5?

  1. JQuery is removed
  2. Removal and Addition of few classes (Listed Below)
  3. Responsive Font Size
  4. Lighter File Size and Faster Page Load

Classes that are removed and added.

Some of the CSS classes that are already removed, according to the Bootstrap 5’s official Github project tracking board are:

  • form-row
  • form-inline
  • list-inline
  • card-deck

Here are some new Bootstrap 5 CSS class added:

  • gx-* classes control the horizontal/column gutter width
  • gy-* classes control the vertical/row gutter width
  • g-* classes control the horizontal & vertical gutter width
  • row-cols-auto

Please check the official docs of Bootstrap 5 here

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Bootstrap 5 - What's New? - Bootstrap 4 vs. 5
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