In today’s post, we are going to check out the code-based migration feature of DbUp which allows code to run as part of the migration process instead of just SQL based scripts. The ability to run code as part of the migration provides a ton of flexibility in the migration process. This builds on last week’s post, Database Migrations with DbUp, make sure and check it out if you are new to DbUp.

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Script Provider Change

In our example application from last week’s post in the Program class when setting up our upgrader we used the following setup.

var upgrader =

The above only picks up embedded SQL type files. In order to also pick up code-based migrations we have to change from the WithScriptsEmbeddedInAssembly script provider to WithScriptsAndCodeEmbeddedInAssembly. The following is the upgrader with the new script provider highlighted.

var upgrader =

#database-migration #database #dbup

Code-based Database Migrations with DbUp
1.70 GEEK