Last week a friend asked me about interviews, it’s a good question because in our career we passed for a lot of interviews, sometimes to get a good job, change companies or probably you will be the interviewer, today I will try to cover both points of views to manage an Interview.


I remembered my first interview was when I finished my thesis, it was for an internship at a financial company in Madrid, I was very nervous, I did not know how the interview process would be and I was not updated on trends in software development, it was after Easter week, I was only 21 years old, you know me I was ready to spend a relaxed time on the beach with some friends, but the interview changed everything for me, I decided to study and review some topics instead of drinks, celebrations, and fun with friends.

When you have an interview all of them has a process, the first step is talk to you and verify your information, like name, address, current job, and so on, the majority of time is with someone from human resources after that you will have a personal interview, it could be face to face or for video call, in both cases, the interview is very important to verify your experience, your knowledge, and your skills for the position you’re applying, then probably you will have a code living where you will show your skills to resolve problems or algorithms finally, you will have an exercise to resolved an interview case, sometimes you will have an extra interview with the Project manager or CEO that depends on the job position.

Some process takes a lot of time, like google or amazon, and it’s a long road to follow this process, so my first advice is “Be patient and keep calm”, you should gain time in each step to prepare for the next, especially in dev interviews so I will give some advice and recommendations for it.

Please review the job position to verify this position is for you.

Sometimes when we are searching for jobs we just join to participate in interviews but we don’t review all the information about the position, for example, what are the responsibilities for the job? How long will be my job from home? Please try to review if the company and position fit with your requirements

Try to stay updated with trends in your career.

A big mistake is not follow trends and new technologies in your job.

Probably you are a developer, scrum master, or project manager with routines in your current job and same technology for all your projects, but please try to spend a small time every day to read and discover the technology world, in our career is very important because you should try to keep updated with new frameworks, new methodologies and more. It will make a big difference in your interview.

In face-to-face interview, or video call: Try to look good, and relax.

Appearance is very important: much like in a web application, you can have a perfect backend but if your application doesn’t look good, probably you can not sell your product.

It’s the same with your personal look and feel: you should wear formal or semi-formal for your interview because you will show a good personal appearance and security for the position.

I know some people think.

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For Developers: How To Prepare for a Job Interview
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