Learn about stacking and joining in Numpy. These are important functions for array in NumPy. Learn about dstack, hstack and vstack functions in NumPy.

Stacking is the concept of joining arrays in NumPy. Arrays having the same dimensions can be stacked. The stacking is done along a new axis. Stacking leads to increased customization of arrays. We can combine the stack function with other functions to further increase its capabilities.

Stacking and Joining in NumPy

NumPy implements the function of stacking. We can perform stacking along three dimensions:

  • vstack() – it performs vertical stacking along the rows.
  • hstack()– it performs horizontal stacking along with the columns.
  • dstack()– it performs in-depth stacking along a new third axis.

NumPy stack function takes two input parameters – the arrays for stacking and the axis for the resultant array.

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Learn About Stacking and Joining in Numpy
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