Sometime in September or October every year, people shake the dust from their running shoes and begin training for marathons scheduled in early spring the next year.

It takes months to train, so a good plan is necessary. Ramp your miles up too fast and you risk injury, go too slow and you won’t have enough miles on your legs to finish 26.2 on race day.

One of the best tools for keeping you on track is a good running app. I use Strava because it tracks data including distance, pace, heart rate, personal best times, and more. It’s also a social app so supporting your friends, sharing activities, and public challenges are core features.

I am working on a project/React app to replace and upgrade my current training system that was created in google docs. In the new version, I want to import my workout information so I can see my progress and get insights in one place. Luckily for me, Strava has an open and supported API.

This guide will walk you through how to access your personal workout data from Strava into your JavaScript project.


  • Create or log in to your Strava account
  • Setup a new app in your Strava account
  • About scope
  • Use Swagger to test your endpoints
  • Create an Authorization Token
  • Get your Access Token and Refresh Token
  • Call the Strava API from your React App.

#strava #react #running #web-development #javascript

How to Call Data From The Strava API in Your React App
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