Learn the fundamentals and basics of WebAssembly and a dive into a tutorial on how to set up and work in a Rust Wasm environment.

I initially picked up Rust because of the fantastic work the team has done to support and push WebAssembly. The official documentation is a great resource for building an example project.

This guide will serve as an introduction to WebAssembly and a tutorial on how to set up and work in a Rust Wasm environment.

To follow along, you should have a basic understanding of Rust and web development in general.

Understanding WebAssembly

WebAssembly is a binary instruction format that most browsers support. It enables languages such as Rust, C, C++ Go, etc., to be compiled and run in a web browser.

Wasm is not a replacement for JavaScript. Think of it as a way to offload computationally heavy tasks to a more suitable language. It enables you to port existing projects and libraries to the web without rewriting them in JS, improving performance as a result.

If you’re interested in taking the Wasm specification outside the web, the WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) may be of interest to you.

Downloading the tools

Before you start setting up your environment, make sure you have the following installed on your computer.

  • Rust (ideally the most up-to-date version)
  • A modern web browser (Internet Explorer doesn’t count)
  • Your favorite text editor
  • A way to host a simple web server to avoid the browser nagging about cross-origin requests being blocked; if you have Python installed, there’s a nifty command for this
  • wasm-pack CLI

Why do you need wasm-pack? According to Mozilla, “wasm-pack is a tool for assembling and packaging Rust crates that target WebAssembly. These packages can be published to the npm Registry and used alongside other packages. This means you can use them side-by-side with JS and other packages, and in many kinds of applications.”

Rust crates are similar to packages and libraries for other languages. Crates work directly with Rust’s build system and package manager, Cargo.

Creating and building a Wasm package

We’ll use the wasm-pack CLI to create a new Wasm project. This should be familiar to you if you’ve ever created a Rust project via the cargo CLI.

wasm-pack new hello-wasm
cd hello-wasm

The generated project is essentially a Rust library with boilerplate Wasm code.

Rust Library Boilerplate WASM Code

Looking at the commands available in wasm-pack, it’s clear that there’s a focus on creating and publishing npm packages.

    build      🏗️  build your npm package!
    help       Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    login      👤  Add an npm registry user account! (aliases: adduser, add-user)
    new        🐑 create a new project with a template
    pack       🍱  create a tar of your npm package but don't publish!
    publish    🎆  pack up your npm package and publish!
    test       👩‍🔬  test your wasm!

While this is great for projects that have bundlers (Webpack, Rollup, etc.), we’re aiming for a simple setup where we can import our Wasm binary in an HTML file. Thankfully, wasm-pack‘s build has an argument to target other environments.

-t, --target <target>        Sets the target environment. [possible values: bundler, nodejs, web, no-modules]
                                [default: bundler]

The web target is exactly what we want! Once built, the output will contain multiple files that serve as the glue code between Wasm and JS. By the end of it, our Wasm binary will be exposed through a JavaScript module.

wasm-pack build --target web

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Getting started with WebAssembly and Rust
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