This Data Science SQL interview question is from Facebook, and tests your ability to filter out data based on date conditionals. I’ll walk you through solving the question like we’re in an interview and give you some tips on how to approach the solution as well as how to efficiently and effectively communicate with your interviewer.

Go to the question through the link below and follow along with me.

Link to the question:


  • Intro: (0:00​​​)
  • Interview Question: (0:33​​)
  • Framework to solve the problem: (1:08​​​)
  • Understand your data: (2:25​​​)
  • Formulate your approach: (4:16​​​)
  • Code Execution: (6:15​​​)
  • Additional Technical Concepts: (11:56​​​)
  • Conclusion: (14:40​​​)

#sql #data-science #interview-questions

Data Science SQL Scenario Based Interview Question [Facebook] - Date Manipulation
3.00 GEEK