Want to learn machine learning or data science but not sure where to start?I was in your shoes. I started doing my research and found some excellent resources on learning machine learning. With these resources, I was able to land interviews and get a role in the data realm.

Today, machine learning is often touted as the silver bullet to many of the world problems — it has given us effective web search, self-driving cars, real-time speech recognition and even tremendously demystified the human genome. Its ubiquity in our everyday lives reflect its utility and potential in improving human lives at scale, and therein lies the appeal of machine learning.

To the outsider who takes no interest in learning it, it is nothing but a buzzword shrouded in a cloud of mystery. To the newcomers who desire to undertake it, machine learning might seem like an esoteric concept with high barriers of entry. Yet, machine learning need not be mysterious or difficult to understand. With a genuine desire to start pursuing knowledge in machine learning and a pinch of patience, you are in the perfect place to start tackling it right now.

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How to Learn Machine Learning & Data Science
20.80 GEEK