SQL Tutorial for Beginners: SQL MAX() and MIN()

Learn about SQL MAX() and MIN() with the help of examples. Learn how to use the SQL MAX() and MIN() functions to find the largest and smallest values in a column.


  • The MAX() function returns the maximum value of a column.
  • The MIN() function returns the minimum value of a column.

SQL MAX() Function

The syntax of the SQL MAX() function is:

SELECT MAX(columnn)
FROM table;


  • column is the name of the column you want to filter
  • table is the name of the table to fetch the data from

For example,

FROM Customers;

Here, the SQL command returns the largest value from the age column.

How to use MAX() in SQL

Example: MAX() in SQL

SQL MIN() Function

The syntax of the SQL MIN() function is:

SELECT MIN(columnn)
FROM table;


  • column is the name of the column you want to filter
  • table is the name of the table to fetch the data from

For Example,

FROM Customers;

Here, the SQL command returns the smallest value from the age column.

How to use MIN() in SQL

Example: MIN() in SQL

Aliases With MAX() and MIN()

In the above examples, the field names in the result sets were MIN(age) and MAX(age).

It is also possible to give custom names to these fields using the AS keyword. For example,

-- use max_age as an alias for the maximum age
SELECT MAX(age) AS max_age
FROM Customers;

Here, the field name MAX(age) is replaced with max_age in the result set.

How to use alias in SQL with MAX or MIN function

Example: MAX() in SQL with Alias

MAX() and MIN() With Strings

The MAX() and MIN() functions also work with texts. For example,

--select the minimum value of first_name from Customers

SELECT MIN(first_name) AS min_first_name
FROM Customers;

Here, the SQL command selects the minimum value of first_name based on the dictionary order.

How to use MIN or MAX with String in SQL

Example: MIN() in SQL with String

MAX() and MIN() in Nested SELECT

As we know, the MAX() function returns the maximum value. Similarly, the MIN() function returns the minimum value.

However, if we want to select the whole row containing that value, we can use the nested SELECT statement like this.

-- MIN() function in a nested SELECT statement

FROM Customers
WHERE age = (
    SELECT MIN(age)
    FROM Customers

Here, the SQL command selects all the customers with the smallest age.

How to find all rows that have min or max specified value

Example: Nested MIN() in SQL


SQL Tutorial for Beginners: SQL MAX() and MIN()
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