A Vite Plugin that Runs Checkers in Worker Threads, Fastly


A Vite plugin that runs TypeScript, VLS, vue-tsc and other checkers in worker thread.


  • ⚡️ Speeds up TypeScirpt, VLS, etc. checkers by running in worker thread in serve mode
  • 🌈 Works good with vanilla TypeScript, React, Vue2, Vue3
  • ❄️ Prompt errors in Vite HMR overlay and terminal console
  • 🌗 Support serve and build mode


Getting Started

Install plugin.

npm i vite-plugin-checker -D

Add it to Vite config file.

// vite.config.js
import Checker from 'vite-plugin-checker'

export default {
  plugins: [Checker({ typescript: true })],

Open localhost page and start development (it’s recommended to open browser for a better terminal display, see #27).


See detail options in advanced config section.

React / Vanilla TypeScript

  1. Make sure typescript is installed as a peer dependency.

  2. Add typescript field to plugin config.

export default {
  plugins: [Checker({ typescript: true } /** TS options */)],

Vue (use Vetur / VLS)

  1. Install VLS checker.
npm i vite-plugin-checker-vls -D
  1. Add vls field to plugin config.
import Checker from 'vite-plugin-checker'
import { VlsChecker } from 'vite-plugin-checker-vls'

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      vls: VlsChecker(/** advanced VLS options */),

Vue (use Volar / vue-tsc)

Only support checking in build mode since vue-tsc doesn’t support watch mode for now.

  1. Make sure vue-tsc is installed as a peer dependency.

  2. Add vueTsc field to plugin config.

  3. (Optional) The type check is powered by vue-tsc so it supports Vue2 according to the documentation, you need to install @vue/runtime-dom by yourself.

export default {
  plugins: [Checker({ vueTsc: true })],

Advanced config

Plugin can accept an object configuration.

export default {
  plugins: [Checker(config /** Object config below */)],


field Type Default value Description
overlay boolean Same as server.hmr.overlay Show Vite error overlay when there’s an error


field Type Default value Description
enableBuild boolean true Enable checking in build mode


  • Set to true to use checker with all default values
  • Leave the field blank or set to false to disable the checker
  • Enable with an object config (all object keys are optional)
field Type Default value Description
root string Vite config root Root path to find tsconfig file
tsconfigPath string "tsconfig.json" Relative tsconfig path to root


  • type: VlsChecker instance.


import Checker from 'vite-plugin-checker'
import { VlsChecker } from 'vite-plugin-checker-vls'

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      vls: VlsChecker(/** No options for now */),


  • type: boolean


Run projects in playground/* to try it out.

pnpm i
npm run build
cd ./playground/<ONE_EXAMPLE>   # ts / vls / vue-tsc
npm run dev                     # test serve
npm run build                   # test build

Download Details:

Author: fi3ework
The Demo/Documentation: View The Demo/Documentation
Download Link: Download The Source Code
Official Website: https://github.com/fi3ework/vite-plugin-checker
License: MIT License © 2021 fi3ework

#vite #vue #vuejs

A Vite Plugin that Runs Checkers in Worker Threads, Fastly
13.50 GEEK