PHP json_decode is an inbuilt function that takes the JSON encoded string and converts it into a PHP variable. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. JSON is the standard lightweight data-interchange format which is quick and easy to parse and generate. The JSON, like XML, is the text-based format that’s easy to write and easy to understand for both computers and humans, but unlike the XML, JSON data structures occupy less bandwidth than their XML versions.

PHP json_decode Example

In JSON, keys are always strings, while a value can be a stringnumbertrue or falsenull or even the object or an array. Strings must be enclosed in the double quotes** “** and can contain escape characters such as \n, **\t, **and ****.

JSON data structures are very similar to the PHP arrays. PHP programming language has built-in functions to encode and decode the JSON data. The most common JSON PHP functions are json_encode and json_decode, respectively. Both functions only work with UTF-8 encoded string data.

Decoding JSON data is as simple as encoding it. You can use a PHP json_decode() function to convert a JSON encoded string into the appropriate PHP data type. We will see how to decode or convert a JSON object to a PHP object.

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PHP json_decode Example | Decode JSON Data in PHP Tutorial
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