I am going to incrementally build a subscription-based SaaS platform using Stripe. I will be documenting my progress each week, resources I found helpful, decisions I made along the way, and a step-by-step guide that you can use to follow along! I am super excited to learn about subscription payments in stripe and will be implementing a premium course/tutorial platform. It will be possible to purchase individual courses or subscribe to recurring payments on a monthly or yearly basis.

  • Tech stack and initial project setup
  • Hosting on Vercel, automatic deploys with GitHub and configuring custom domains
  • Authentication with Auth0 and Next.js
  • Social login with GitHub and Auth0 rules
  • Processing payments with Stripe and webhooks
  • Implementing subscriptions with Stripe

#saas #stripe #web-development

How to Build a SaaS Platform with Stripe
5.95 GEEK