Frontend development involves architecting the markup, style, and behavior of web pages. Knowledge of CSS is one of the most important skills needed to build for the web and it isn’t exactly the easiest skill to acquire.

CSS frameworks were developed to make styling web content easier and done more efficiently while solving cross-browser compatibility concerns. CSS frameworks have become a norm and they have come to stay.

In this article, we will take a look at the strengths and weaknesses of two of the most popular utility-first CSS frameworks out there — TailwindCSS and Tachyons.

What is utility-first CSS?

For a library to be considered utility-first, it means it offers no pre-configured styles and components to build with, rather it offers you a set of unopinionated building blocks known as utility/helper classes to help you style your components. This helps with creating custom designs without having to override unwanted styles.

Utility-first CSS frameworks are often called functional or atomic CSS.

#css #tailwindcss #web-development

TailwindCSS vs. Tachyons
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