Unleash Fun on Your React Native App with react-native-egg


react-native-egg make your react native app infinitely more fun !!

Implementation simple gestures detection achieve trigger easter egg, You can also use it as a gesture switch.

Why ?

Just for fun !!

Example code

Hide some secret message.

Example code

Hide and Trigger some features.

Example code

Add it to your project

$ npm i react-native-egg --save

Basic usage

Use like a <View>, but the children can not have onPress、onScroll props, like ScrollViewListViewTouchableOpacity.

import Egg from 'react-native-egg';

<Egg style={styles.container}
  onCatch={() => {
    Alert.alert('Version', '1.0.1');


PropPropTypeDefault ValueDescription
setpsstringUUDDLRLRTTTrigger onCatch conditions,U is slide up,D is slide down,R is slide right,L is slide left,T is click. Max string length is 15.
timeLimitnumber2000combo limit time in milliseconds.
onCatchfunc combo equal setps trigger onCatch.
onAction(event) => {} Any touch will trigger. event has the following UDRLT
touchOpacityboolfalsemake <Egg> look like <TouchableOpacity>

Download details:

Author: FuYaoDe
Source: https://github.com/FuYaoDe/react-native-egg

#react-native #javascript 

Unleash Fun on Your React Native App with react-native-egg
1.55 GEEK