A vue3 style Admin based on Vite vue3.0


Based on the project ant-design-vuetypescriptvue3.0vitetsxvue3 style background management system implementation,

gitHub address

vue-vben-admin2.0 - mainbranch

Short version address


Preview address

Test account: vben/123456

VbenAdmin Logo VbenAdmin Logo VbenAdmin Logo


The document address is continuously updated. . ,


Environmental requirements

  • Node.js:-The version should be greater than 12.0.0
  • yarnnpmcnpm: - package management tool.

UI stile



Suggested development environment


// Make git sensitive to the case of file names 
git  config  core . Ignorecase  false

// Pull the project code

git  clone https: //github.com/anncwb/vue-vben-admin.git vue-vben-admin-2.0

cd  view - vben - admin - 2.0

// If you use other package management tools, you can 
install it yourself // If yarn is not installed, please run: npm install -g yarn 
yarn install


Development environment

yarn serve


Build the Yarn ## packing

Build the Yarn: NO-Cache ## package will delete the cache before execution

Report the Yarn ## generate report preview build package


lint the Yarn: stylelint ## style format

yarn lint:prettier ## js/ts code format


REINSTALL the Yarn ## remove the dependency Replace, compatible window

preview the Yarn ## local packaged preview

yarn log ## 生成CHANGELOG

Clean the Yarn: Cache ## delete cache

Clean the Yarn: lib ## delete node_modules, compatible window system

Git submission specification

  • Refer to the vue specification ( Angular )
  • feat Add new features
  • fix Fix the problem/BUG
  • style The code style does not affect the running result
  • perf Optimization/performance improvement
  • refactor Refactor
  • revert Undo edit
  • test Test related
  • docs Documentation/notes
  • chore Dependency update/scaffolding configuration modification etc.
  • workflow Workflow improvements
  • ci Continuous integration
  • types Type definition file changes
  • wip In development

Code contribution

  1. Fork code!
  2. Create your own branch: git checkout -b feat/xxxx
  3. Submit your changes: git commit -am 'feat(function): add xxxxx'
  4. Push your branch: git push origin feat/xxxx
  5. submitpull request

Function completed

  • Project construction (based on vite)
  • Login and logout
  • Menu (can search and drag and drop and menu layout)
  • Multi-tab/bread crumbs
  • Role-based permission management
  • Authority management based on background
  • Separate routing and menu settings
  • Collapsible sidebar
  • Draggable sidebar
  • Multi-tab mode/global control
  • Menu search
  • Page loading
  • Scroll bar component
  • Pop-up expansion (dragable, full screen, adaptive height)
  • Simulation data
  • hook package
  • Form component
  • Right click menu
  • Watermark plugin
  • Animation component
  • QR code plugin
  • Internationalization plugin
  • Details component
  • Verification component
  • Tree component
  • Picture preview component
  • Form component
  • Chart library
  • Digital animation
  • First screen loading waiting animation
  • Extract the production environment configuration file
  • Pack Gzip
  • Data import and export
  • System performance optimization
  • Global error handling
  • Rich text component

Features under development

  • Upload components
  • Theme configuration
  • Dark theme
  • Package CDN

More components/functions/suggestions/bugs/welcome to submit pr or issue

Download Details:

Author: anncwb

Demo: https://vvbin.cn/next/

Source Code: https://github.com/anncwb/vue-vben-admin

#vuejs #javascript #vue

A vue3 style Admin based on Vite vue3.0
29.60 GEEK