Recently I built a single page application using vanilla JavaScript on the frontend and Rails as an api for the backend. One of the first issues I came across when building out this application was the inability for the frontend to communicate with the backend without sending a fetch to my SessionsController every single time.

The process of sending a fetch every time I needed to check who was logged in and then sending another fetch from the response of the first fetch to actually do what I needed to do didn’t seem very effective to me. This isn’t a huge issue in the grand scheme of things, however it got to be a bit tedious. My brain went down the rabbit hole of trying to learn how to use session cookies that are stored in your browser.

Unfortunately all of the documentation I found involved installing some type of middleware into my application that, probably because of a user error on my end, never worked properly for me. After a few hours of trying to get this to work I felt that I was stuck in the same place for too long, I decided that there had to be an easier way for me to store my logged in users id on the frontend and after some digging I discovered the javascript object sessionStorage. According to W3, ‘The … sessionStorage properties allow [you] to save key/value pairs in a web browser.’ This was the golden ticket I needed, and I’m going to explain to you how I used sessionStorage in my application.

Having had my user model set up, and the form for user login/signup built, my issue kept arising when I would reload the page to reset my DOM. Each time the DOM would load my application would have no knowledge of the user that I had signed in or created before the reload. As a regular user of any website, my vision was that unless a user logged out explicitly, the session should persist. This isn’t a universal rule, however most websites (Amazon, Twitter, GitHub) don’t log a user out when the user closes or reloads the webpage, and if they did it would be a little annoying. The problem as I saw it was that my frontend needed to recognize that there was a user logged in. This is what sessionStorage was built for. Implementing this was simple; when a user successfully logged in, set the id of the user to the key :user-id inside of the sessionStorage object.

Image for post

fetch sent when user is signed in

This set a key/value pair to persist throughout my application as is unless explicitly set to something else or reset. Anywhere in my application at any point during my session, sessionStorage.user_id will return my current :user_id. This is useful for several reasons. For starters, now when I load my DOM, I can set a conditional to check the sessionStorage object.

#javascript #web-development #programming #developer

How to Implement the JavaScript Object sessionStorage
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