How to Create PHP Development Environments with Docker Compose Workshop Kit Materials

This workshop kit is designed to help a technical audience become familiar with Docker Compose and learn to set up a working development environment for a Laravel  application using containers.

The aim is to provide a complete set of resources for a speaker to host an event and deliver an  introductory talk on Docker Compose  in the context of PHP development environments. It includes:

  • Slides and speaker notes  including commands for running an optional live demo. This talk runs for roughly 40 minutes.
  • GitHub repository  containing the demo app code and the additional files necessary to get a PHP development environment up and running with Docker and Docker Compose.
  • This tutorial, which walks a user through getting the Travellist  demo Laravel application running on containers with Docker Compose.

This guide is intended to supplement the talk demo with additional detail and elucidation.


This tutorial, designed to accompany the slides and speaker notes for the  How To Create PHP Development Environments with Docker Compose Slide Deck, will show you how to get a demo Laravel application up and running with Docker and Docker Compose, using the setup that we discuss in greater detail in our guide on  How To Set Up Laravel with Docker Compose on Ubuntu 20.04.


To follow this tutorial, you will need:

  • Access to an Ubuntu 20.04 local machine or development server with at least 1GB of RAM, as a non-root user with sudo privileges. If you’re using a remote server, it’s advisable to have an active firewall installed. To set these up, please refer to our  Initial Server Setup Guide for Ubuntu 20.04.
  • Docker installed on your local machine or development server, following Steps 1 and 2 of  How To Install and Use Docker on Ubuntu 20.04.
  • Docker Compose installed on your local machine or development server, following Step 1 of  How To Install and Use Docker Compose on Ubuntu 20.04.

Step 1 — Download the Demo Application

Step 2 — Set Up the Application’s .env File

Step 3 — Run Docker Compose

Step 4 — Finish Setting Up the Application


How To Create PHP Development Environments with Docker Compose:A DigitalOcean Workshop Kit
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