Why Gin Web Framework?

Gin is one of the most popular frameworks for Go. It’s simple to use.

Why Swagger Specification?

Writing a specification is a meticulous process in Software Engineering. Regardless, it’s necessary if we want our API being used by others. It helps others to integrate without API with more ease. The better the documentation the easier others will integrate it into their system. In order to tackle this problem, we should follow a standardized way to create API documentation in the industry, the_OpenAPI Specification or _formerly known as the Swagger Specification.

The OpenAPI Specification, formerly known as the Swagger Specification, is the world’s standard for defining RESTful interfaces. The OAS enables developers to design a technology-agnostic API interface that forms the basis of their API development and consumption.


You need to install Go version ≥1.14 in your machine.

#gin #golang #swagger #technology

Tutorial: Generate Swagger Specification and SwaggerUI for Gin Go Web Framework
2.30 GEEK