Flutter Pie chart with animation

Pie Chart This Flutter package provides a Pie Chart Widget with cool animation.



💻 Installation

In the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following line:


  pie_chart: <latest version>


Import this class

import 'package:pie_chart/pie_chart.dart';
Usage is simple. Pie Chart is a widget and it just need a Map<String,double> as its data input.


Map<String, double> dataMap = {
    "Flutter": 5,
    "React": 3,
    "Xamarin": 2,
    "Ionic": 2,

Simple Implementation

PieChart(dataMap: dataMap) 

Full Implementation

      dataMap: dataMap,
      animationDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 800),
      chartLegendSpacing: 32,
      chartRadius: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width / 3.2,
      colorList: colorList,
      initialAngle: 0,
      chartType: ChartType.ring,
      ringStrokeWidth: 32,
      centerText: "HYBRID",
      legendOptions: LegendOptions(
        showLegendsInRow: false,
        legendPosition: LegendPosition.right,
        showLegends: true,
        legendShape: _BoxShape.circle,
        legendTextStyle: TextStyle(
          fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
      chartValuesOptions: ChartValuesOptions(
        showChartValueBackground: true,
        showChartValues: true,
        showChartValuesInPercentage: false,
        showChartValuesOutside: false,

Change legend position with ‘legendPosition’

PieChart PieChart PieChart PieChart

Change Chart shape to ring

chartType: ChartType.ring,


chartType: ChartType.ring,
showChartValuesOutside: true,


My Flutter Packages

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My Flutter Apps


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m ‘Add some feature’)
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Download Details:

Author: apgapg

Demo: https://apgapg.github.io/pie_chart/#/

Source Code: https://github.com/apgapg/pie_chart

#flutter #dart #mobile-apps

Flutter Pie chart with animation
10.95 GEEK