The htop is nothing but Interactive process viewer for Arch Linux based system. It is just like default top command with an additional set of options and better display on the screen. This page shows how to install htop on Arch Linux using command line options .


How to install htop on Arch Linux using pacman

The procedure for installing htop Arch Linux is as follows:

  1. Open the terminal window/application.
  2. For remote Arch Linux server login using ssh command.
  3. Execute pacman -Ss htop command to search for htop on Arch Linux
  4. Run sudo pacman -S htop to install htop in Arch Linux

Let us see all commands and examples in details.

Please note that **vivek@desktop:$ **is my shell prompt. You need to type all commands after that prompt.

Arch Linux install htop

It is important that you know how to search for any packages. Therefore type the following command to search for htop package using pacman command:

vivek@desktop:$`` sudo pacman -Ss htop

Sample outputs:

extra/htop 2.2.0-3
    Interactive process viewer
community/bashtop 0.9.24-1
    Linux resource monitor
community/nvtop 1.0.0-2
    An htop like monitoring tool for NVIDIA GPUs

Find information about htop package

Run the following command:

vivek@desktop:$`` sudo pacman -Si htop

Repository      : extra
Name            : htop
Version         : 2.2.0-3
Description     : Interactive process viewer
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : GPL
Groups          : None
Provides        : None
Depends On      : ncurses  libnl
Optional Deps   : lsof: show files opened by a process
                  strace: attach to a running process
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Download Size   : 83.89 KiB
Installed Size  : 199.27 KiB
Packager        : Christian Hesse <>
Build Date      : Tue 21 Jan 2020 08:12:00 PM UTC
Validated By    : MD5 Sum  SHA-256 Sum  Signature

Installing htop on Arch Linux

First, make sure you system is up to date:

vivek@desktop:$`` sudo pacman -Syu

Finally, run the following to install htop on Arch Linux:

vivek@desktop:$`` sudo pacman -S htop

Install htop on Arch Linux using pacman commandInstalling htop on Arch Linux box

How to use htop command

The syntax is:


htop [options]

htop [options] arg1 arg2 argN

Running htop on Arch Linux serverhtop in action

Press F10  or q  to quit htop session.One can use a monochrome color scheme, run:

vivek@desktop:$`` htop -C

vivek@desktop:$`` htop --no-color

Want to see the tree view by default when running htop? Try:

vivek@desktop:$`` htop -t

vivek@desktop:$ ``htop --tree

Let us see only processes of a given user named tina:

vivek@desktop:$`` htop -u tina

vivek@desktop:$`` htop --user=tina

vivek@desktop:$`` htop --user=mysql

Limit and show process for only the given PIDs:

vivek@desktop:$`` htop -p PID

vivek@desktop:$`` htop -p PID1,PID2

vivek@desktop:$`` htop --pid=PID,[,PID,PID...]

vivek@desktop:$`` htop -p 3754

vivek@desktop:$`` htop -p 6876,8618

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How to install htop on Arch Linux
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