Building best-in-class mobile apps with Realm Sync

Every mobile developer wants to build an app that users will love - meaning you want to build apps that work for users regardless of signal strength, that react to changes in data in real-time whenever a device is online, and that won’t drain your user’s battery life or hog data.

MongoDB Realm makes it possible for anyone to build a great app - whether you’re a solo developer working to stand up your idea, or part of a larger team shipping your latest release. We’ve done that by significantly reducing the code you need to write to keep data in sync across all users, devices, and your backend. And we’ve made sure everything is built to optimize for battery power, CPU, and bandwidth.

Realm Sync transforms data synchronization between the client and your backend, saving thousands of lines of complex conflict resolution and networking code, and reducing it to a set of intuitive SDKs that integrate MongoDB Atlas and the Realm Mobile Database.

Realm Sync works bi-directionally, syncing data between the Realm Mobile Database on the client-side and Atlas on the backend. Realm Sync’s automatic conflict resolution resolves any data conflicts that emerge, ensuring data is consistent when mobile devices come online.

Any mobile developer can now set-up sync as a simple backup solution for app data, or use Realm Sync to power the real-time, collaborative features that app users have come to expect.

Innovate and iterate, to get to great faster

Along the way, we’ve continued to invest in the services you need to build a complete application.

Over the past six months, MongoDB Realm’s new GraphQL service has made it possible for web developers to generate a schema off of their MongoDB collections with a single click in the UI. From there, you can query off a single endpoint and use Realm’s Data Access Controls to keep data secure.

Now, we’re excited to announce that the GraphQL service is GA. Since January, we’ve added the ability to add custom resolvers and query using built-in MongoDB operators, making it simple to customize your API and iterate more quickly.

MongoDB Realm gives anyone - whether you’re working solo or part of a larger team - the ability to start innovating and optimizing right away. Realm’s app dev services speed the rate at which you can build your apps, and it’s guaranteed to scale with you, powered by Atlas on the backend.


Announcing MongoDB Realm & The Realm Sync Beta
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