Tableau is a software visualization company which produces interactive data visualization products focused on business intelligence.

It allows the customers to spend more time on data analysis and less on data wrangling.

Components of Tableau

Tableau Architecture

It operates in three segments

  1. Data Sources
  2. Tableau Server
  3. Tableau Desktop and the clients.

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Tableau Desktop UI

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How Tableau considers database?

Data source in Tableau, the columns get divided into dimensions and measures.

A Dimension is a field that is an independent variable.

Eg-(text, geographical data, date)

A Measure is a field that is dependent variables and its value is a function of one or more variable.(numbers, figures or float values).

Using Dimensions and measure one can create different types of charts .Tableau supports 24 types of charts.

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Brief Introduction to Tableau and Visual Analysis.
1.15 GEEK