It’s been a short time since you started teaching yourself to code. You stare disbelievingly at the red text taunting you from the console — another error! It takes you an hour of Googling and tinkering to fix it.

Day after day you are left frustrated and confused, and you wonder if you have what it takes to see it through to the end. “Will I ever be able to code?” you ask yourself.

Take heart, your agony is not in vain! You may not realize it now, and you will be pleased to know, that there are a few distinct signs that you are on your way to success.

Every new coder must travel down this road, with each sign pointing to your destiny — success or failure. This article is a rundown of the signs that confirm that you will eventually succeed. See if you can identify any of the signs that bode well for your success.

  1. Your Mind Is Naturally Drawn to Coding
  2. You Spend All Your Spare Time Coding
  3. You Watch Tutorials At Unusual Times
  4. You Build And Deploy
  5. You Have a Roadmap and Stick to It (Mostly)
  6. You Google The Hell Out of Error Messages
  7. You Keep Notes And Code Snippets
  8. You Dream About Coding
  9. You Always Come Back to Coding


9 Early Signs You Will Be a Successful Programmer
1.45 GEEK