Some people genuinely dislike human interaction. Whenever they are forced to socialize or go to events that involve lots of people, they feel detached and awkward. Personally, I believe that I’m most extroverted because I gain energy from interacting with other people. There are plenty of people on this Earth who are the exact opposite, who get very drained from social interaction.

I’m reminded of a very unique film called Her (2013). The basic premise of the film is that a man who suffers from loneliness, depression, a boring job, and an impending divorce, ends up falling in love with an AI (artificial intelligence) on his computer’s operating system. Maybe at the time this was a very science-fictiony concept, given that AI back then wasn’t advanced enough to become a surrogate human, but now? 2020? Things have changed a LOT. I fear that people will give up on finding love (or even social interaction) among humans and seek it out in the digital realm. Don’t believe me? I won’t tell you what it means, but just search up the definition of the term waifu **and just cringe.**

Now isn’t this an overly verbose introduction to a simple machine learning project? Possibly. Now that I’ve detailed an issue that has grounds for actual concern for many men (and women) in this world, let’s switch gears and build something simple and fun!

Here’s what the finished product will look like.

Image for post

Nice simple interface

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Obviously this chatbot is EXTREMELY limited in its responses


  1. Libraries & Data
  2. Initializing Chatbot Training
  3. Building the Deep Learning Model
  4. Building Chatbot GUI
  5. Running Chatbot
  6. Conclusion
  7. Areas of Improvement

If you want a more in-depth view of this project, or if you want to add to the code, check out the GitHub repository.

#python #deep learning #machine learning

How to Create a Chatbot with Python and Deep Learning in Less Than an Hour
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