There are so many “hidden gems” in AWS

I recently discovered the AWS  Serverless Application Model (SAM) by accident and was surprised I hadn’t heard about it sooner. All this time I was developing, testing, and deploying my lambda functions manually in the  AWS Management Console.

The AWS documentation is a bit of a “rats nest” and trying to navigate through it takes time. I’m going to talk you through a setup as quickly and easily as possible.

You will need to install the AWS CLI and in order to do that the first step is to sort out a few steps in IAM which will require a root or administrator account.

In IAM, click on “Groups”, then “Create New Group”. Add a new group (if it doesn’t already exist) called “Administrators” and attach a policy called “AdministratorAccess”. Add your user to the “Administrators” group by opening the group and clicking on “Add Users to Group” under the “Users” tab.

In IAM, click on “Users”, open your user account (which should now be part of the “Administrators” group, and click on the “Security credentials” tab. If you have an access key setup and remember the details then great. If you don’t have an access key or have misplaced the details, just create a new one. Make sure you make note of the “Access key ID” and “Secret access key”. In my case I deleted the existing key where I misplaced the details.

#serverless #cloudformation #aws-sam #lambda #api-gateway

Developing Lambda Applications using the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) Framework
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