Build and Deploy: TWITTER clone with React, Tailwind, Next, Prisma, Mongo, NextAuth & Vercel 

If you are having problems with "Edit" / "Follow"  functionality throwing "Not Signed In" error, It is because you have a newer version of Next & NextAuth, a small modification is needed (you can find it in the github repostory). Here are the steps:

1. Your [...nextauth].ts file should export authOptions separately
2. Your serverAuth.ts file should use getServerSession(req, res, authOptions) instead of getSession({req})
3. Modify serverAuth(req) to serverAuth(req, res) everytwhere in your code.
4. Logout, shutdown the app, login again, everything should work ❤

In this tutorial, we'll be building a Twitter clone with React, Tailwind CSS, Next.JS, Prisma and MongoDB. We'll also be deploying it to Vercel! 

This is a great video for anyone who wants to learn how to build a fullstack web application from scratch.

We are going to learn funcionalities such as:
- Authentication system
- Notification system
- Image Upload using Base64 strings
- Prisma ORM with MongoDB
- Responsive Layout
- 1 To Many Relations (User - Post)
- Many To Many Relations (Post - Comment)
- Following functionality
- Comments / Replies
- Likes functionality
- Vercel Deployment

00:00 Intro
02:02 Environment setup
06:41 Layout
31:00 Auth UI
01:05:59 Prisma, Mongo, NextAuth
01:49:35 Users and Individual User Profile
02:25:36 Edit User, Image Upload
02:47:45 Load & Create Posts
03:23:19 Like & Follow Functionality
03:56:48 Comments
04:12:20 Notifications
04:30:68 Vercel Deployment

Github Repository:

#react #tailwindcss #nextjs #prisma #mongodb #nextauth #vercel 

Twitter Clone with React, Tailwind CSS, Next.JS, Prisma and MongoDB
3.15 GEEK