Windows 95 Inspired React Components Library

React95 is a UI component library inspired on the Windows 95 UI design.

Components included:

  • Alert
  • default
  • Button
  • Checkbox
  • Cursor
  • Dropdown
  • Fieldset
  • Icon
  • Input
  • List
  • Modal
  • ProgressBar
  • RadioButton
  • Range
  • Tabs, Tab
  • TextArea
  • Tooltip


# Yarn
$ yarn add @react95/core

$ npm install @react95/core --save


Windows 95 Inspired React Components Library - React95

Download Details:

Author: React95

Live Demo: View The Demo

Download Link: Download The Source Code

Official Website:

License: MIT

#react #reactjs 

Windows 95 Inspired React Components Library
1.05 GEEK