Here are 6 ways healthcare sectors can make use of the Cognitive Internet of Medical Things (CIoMT) to fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.

The unprecedented outbreak of the 2019 novel coronavirus, termed as COVID-19 by the World Health Organization (WHO), has placed numerous governments around the world in a precarious situation.

The scarcity of resources to endure the COVID-19 outbreak combined with the fear of overburdened healthcare systems has forced a majority of these countries into a state of partial or complete lockdown. The number of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases has been increasing at an alarming rate throughout the world, with a report from WHO stating that there are more than 3.23 million confirmed cases as of August 2020. Adding to these woes, numerous false reports, misinformation, and unsolicited fears in regards to coronavirus, are being circulated regularly since the outbreak of COVID19.

The Internet of Things (IoT) In Healthcare

The internet was created with the intention of building a worldwide computer network where people could exchange information with ease. As the internet began to advance, so did our need to improve the way we perform certain tasks. IoT devices are able to capture and measure various external variables such as temperature, state, location, etc. using sensors all while being connected to the internet.

We can see how easy it is for our healthcare system to be overloaded when faced with an unprecedented situation like the COVID-19 pandemic. The key characteristics provided by IoT devices allow immediate access of patient data to healthcare providers so they can remotely monitor patients. This will not only free up healthcare resources by eliminating the need for staff to physically check on the patients but can also properly recognize patterns along with unusual activity using powerful machine learning models. This level of connectivity provides an opportunity for healthcare providers to take preemptive action and provide better care.

Wearable IoT devices and machine learning will shift the paradigm of our healthcare infrastructure from a reactive to a proactive system.

In Healthcare, IoT is an innovative technological platform to fight with COVID-19 pandemic and can fulfil significant challenges during the lockdown situation. This IoT, IoMT and CIoMT technologies are helpful to capture the real-time health data and other necessary information of the infected patient, from various locations and manage all the data using the virtual management system.

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How Healthcare Sectors Can Make Use of the CIoMT to Fight Against Covid-19
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