RegExp patterns validator with Deno

is RegEx

RegExp patterns validator … check if the inputed regex is valid

import the module in your deno app

import { is_regex } from ''

or from packages

import { is_regex } from ''

Pass the string of user agent from request headers as argument

// from RegExp line
console.log(isRegEx(/moncef/g))                     //=> true

// from RegExp object
console.log(isRegEx(new RegExp('moncef', 'g')))     //=> true

// from string
console.log(isRegEx('/moncef/g'))                   //=> true

// from RegExp line
console.log(isRegEx(123))                           //=> false

// from RegExp object
console.log(isRegEx(null))                          //=> false

// from string  
console.log(isRegEx({}))                            //=> false

For testing run this in commend line

deno run

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Author: moncefplastin07

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#deno #node #nodejs #javascript

RegExp patterns validator with Deno
7.80 GEEK