Docker Compose is a great tool from Docker, it is used by millions to deploy and manage multi-containers applications. Docker Compose is basically 2 things:

  • The Compose file is a specification in yaml (named docker-compose.yaml by default) that Docker Compose takes as input. This file defines the components of a containerized application and how they are connected together. It should be written according to the Compose specification whose details are available in this repository
  • Docker Compose is the tool that processes this Compose file: it checks that it is written according to the Compose specification and deploys the application components

Anca Iordache from Docker, explains the move to the Compose Spec into the open and how she has started to develop a kube backend for the Compose CLI as a side project:

“The Compose format is very popular among developers due to its simplicity and there was always a lot of interest in having tools to deploy Compose files on platforms other than a single Docker Engine or Swarm. To make Compose go beyond Docker and Swarm, early in 2020, we opened the Compose specification to enable anybody to build tools around it. We used the new open specification and reference libraries to build support for Amazon ECS and Microsoft ACI into the Docker CLI for deploying Compose apps on these platforms. An obvious next target was Kubernetes as it is highly popular and there is a lot of interest in deploying Compose apps onto it. We wrote an initial proof of concept to test this integration but it hasn’t been added to Docker’s product roadmap yet. I have picked it up as my hack project to continue making progress with this integration. The current code for the Kubernetes backend can be found in the public repository docker/compose-cli and everybody is welcome to contribute to it.”

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How To Build A Kubernetes Backend In Compose CLI ?
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