Today we are going to build a Pan Tilt tracking camera using a Raspberry Pi and OpenCV AI Kit .

So how it works, is that the smart camera uses object detection to adjust these servo motors so that the center of the image lines up with the object center. All this works at Real-time 30 Frames per second on a raspberry Pi and OpenCV AI Kit. So if you want to build your own then lets get straight into the tutorial.

We will also show you how you can use Roboflow to annotate your own Pan Tilt Camera Hand Dataset. This tool is quite intuitive and easy to use.

0:00​ Introduction
0:28​ What you will need
1:01​ How it works?
2:03​ Connections and Assembly
2:50​ Download the Repo
3:39​ Coding Tutorial
20:22​ Testing+Demo
20:57​ Roboflow Walkthrough
30:34​ Membership

⭐ Public Mask Dataset :​


#opencv #raspberry #python

How to build a Raspberry Pi Pan Tilt Tracking | OpenCV AI Kit Tutorial
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