Learn how to use the Adapter design pattern in Flutter in this video tutorial. The Adapter design pattern allows you to connect two incompatible interfaces, and it can be used to make your Flutter apps more flexible and adaptable.

The video is divided into two parts. In the first part, you will learn about the Adapter design pattern. In the second part, you will see an example of how to use the Adapter design pattern in a Flutter app.

The video is designed for developers who are already familiar with Flutter. However, even beginners may find the video helpful to learn about the Adapter design pattern.

This is the sixth episode of Design Patterns Series in Flutter, designed for beginners. In this episode, we are going to understand what Adapter is. We will go through an overly complicated definition, understand it using analogy, take Flutter/Dart example and finally understand the principles it follows.

💻Source Code: https://github.com/RivaanRanawat/flutter-design-patterns/tree/main/Prototype


Flutter Adapter Design Pattern
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