How do you test a design system? You got here because you either have a design system or know you need one. But, the key is knowing how to test its behavior.

Marie Drake, Principal Test Automation Engineer at News UK, presented her webinar, “Roadmap To Testing A Design System”, where she discussed this topic in some detail.

Marie is many things. In addition to her work at News UK, she is a Cypress Ambassador and organizer of the Cypress UK community group. If you want to know more about using Cypress, she’s a great speaker. Also, she blogs about testing and tech at her blog,

This post summarizes her webinar and highlights some of the key points.

Who Is News UK?

News UK is the UK subsidiary of News Corp, the large global publishing and media company. Marie’s team supports the sites that develop and deliver online versions of The SunThe Times, and The Sunday Times. They also run the Wireless media site. Marie supports the various development teams that deliver news and information that change regularly.

Why A Design System At News UK?


Think of a design system as building blocks. A design system provides a repository for design components used to construct your web application. Or, more precisely, applications. By using a design system, you can eliminate redundant work across different parts of your web application.

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How Do You Test A Design System? — Advanced Topics
1.25 GEEK