Big Data applications are no longer a thing of the future – they are here and are steadily gaining steam globally. In this blog, we will explore different types of Big Data technologies and how they are driving success across industries.

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Introduction to Big Data

In the digital era, businesses generate and encounter large quantities of data on an everyday basis. “Big Data” is essentially a term used to describe this massive collection of data that exponentially increases with time. It is now imperative for companies to adopt smart data management systems if they want to extract relevant information from the vast and diverse stockpile.

According to Gartner, Big Data has the following characteristics:

  • It is high-volume and high-velocity.
  • Contains a huge variety of information assets.
  • Requires cost-effective and innovative forms of processing.
  • Enhances decision making in organisations.

Today, we are witnessing a new crop of big data companies that are utilising emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to move beyond the conventional tools of management. Let us understand their reasons for doing so.

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Top Big Data Technologies Rising in 2021
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