We spoke with Rob Whelan, Practice Director, Data and Analytics at 2nd Watch about the latest survey on data management and analytics in the enterprise. Most organizations don’t have a mature data strategy. Why is this? And what is it about the cloud that helps organizations make better use of their data?

JAXenter: 2nd Watch just completed a survey on data management and analytics in the enterprise. A key finding was that most organizations don’t have a mature data strategy. Why do you think this is and what problems does it present for an enterprise?

Rob Whelan: A major reason enterprises don’t have a mature data strategy is that bringing in data is like inviting an unpredictable relative to a family meal. You can’t control data or influence it; it is what it is.

Enterprises can be reluctant to cede decision-making influence to this kind of entity. Or, they suspect the data they do have is faulty and untrustworthy.

In short, it’s a little scary, especially considering their decision-making up to now has been just fine. I think another major reason is that the promises of data, and being data-driven, are still being discovered. It’s early days, so it’s not unusual to lack a well-formed strategy.

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