How Much Does It Cost To Build A Patient and Doctor Appointment App

Many of us have memories associated with the hospital. The long queues at the reception, the long hours waiting to fix an appointment, the awkwardness of facing panic-ridden patients while sitting in the waiting room, and that distinct “hospital” odour.

Of course, it’s terrible to remember!

But luckily, all thanks to this on-demand doctor appointment booking app, such hassles can be put to an end.

If you are one of those who is tired of managing throngs of patients lining up in the clinic’s waiting room, then it’s a sign you should probably look to investing in an online doctor’s appointment booking app that helps you streamline your work as per your availability.

Why has it become so important to invest in a doctor’s appointment booking app?

With the fact that emerging technologies are strongly paving their way into the healthcare sector, more and more patients are switching to mHealthcare (mobile healthcare). Let us take you through the market stats that explain to you how the patient’s psychology is changing and why they are shifting to online healthcare services.

  • According to the study, 60% of consumers run a Google search before scheduling an appointment with a physical therapist, nursing home, or other doctors.
  • 94% of patients seeking healthcare services use online reviews before fixing an appointment with the doctor.
  • 81% of consumers are unsatisfied with their healthcare experience, therefore, they are likely to check online reviews.
  • 2.4% of healthcare appointments are scheduled online to avoid waiting.
  • 19% of smartphone owners have at least one healthcare app on their phone whether it be exercise, diet, weight app or doctor consultation app.
  • 54% of patients are very comfortable with their providers seeking advice from online communities to better treat their conditions.
  • The mobile healthcare sector is predicted to become an industry of  $300 billion by 2025.
  • The telehealth industry is expected to grow by  19% by the end of 2025.

In a nutshell:_ The mobile healthcare stats and facts are portraying the rising trend of accessing virtual clinics at the steep. For clinics that are looking for potential ways to streamline their clinical operations or patients who are always on the go, these on-demand doctor booking apps are proving to be key._

Now the central question here is how to develop a successful on-demand doctor booking app for your clinic or hospital?

Let’s have a look at a step-by-step guide for building a doctor’s appointment booking app.

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How to Build a Doctor Booking App for Healthcare Appointments with React Native
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