Trang chủ sàn Remitano

***When buying / selling any coin like Bit or eth on san remitano, popular people often find buy now or Sell now. This is a quick and convenient transaction design. However, if you know the secret of Creating effective sales promotion, you can earn higher profits based on the price difference, without spending too much time waiting. This is quite a feature and is widely used by users of the floor.
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This article will suggest some more tips to help you stand out, promote and make a significant profit. let’s explore together now!

How to create PR buy / sell?

Step 1 : At homepage, choose Create PR buy or Create a sale ad

Step 2 : buy the coin you want to buy / sell

After purchasing the coin product you want to buy / sell, you will be required to fill in some other information such as the number of exchanges, how to place the price. This is an important step for you to maximize the profits for your advertising. Let’s add to the understanding in the next section.

Note: now Remi’s P2P Ads Creation section allows buyers to buy and sell 6 coins, including Bit coin, eth coin, usdt, bch, lite coin and ripple. These are all prestigious coins, leading to financial capitalization, ensuring profits for investors. If you want to speculate more other coins, you can read in the Invest section.

Distinguishing the two forms of Fixed Price and Variable Price
Now, you will see different price options (see figure below), including Fixed and Variable, Basic and Increment. It looks complicated, but in fact the meaning of them is extremely simple. here you only need to pay attention to the Fixed Prices and Variable Prices only.

1. Fixed Price Fixed price is the price range set initially at your disposal

It will not change or fluctuate according to the market price. Accordingly, you should only enter 3 information according to the following aspect indicator:
For example, here you are trying to sell tether (Tether)

In the Fixed price: You enter the USD price that you want to sell.
Item Price USD the buyer will see: This is the price that the buyer will see when your advertisement shows up. Note: This price includes transaction fee borne by the buyer.
Item Amount USDT: This is the item for you to enter the amount of tether you want to sell

In addition, when searching the advanced section, a screen will now show each other additional aspects of your ad, including:

Dollar price you actually get: this is the corresponding price that owns the current tether rate on the market. Prices will fluctuate when the dollar exchange rate changes.

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Minimum number of tether: This is the minimum amount of usdt in each exchange. (At least 5 USDT)
Maximum number of USDT: Maximum number of USD in an exchange.
Finally, buy the payment method you want to trade with. Tip here is to buy payment via Remitano Vnd Wallet to get the fastest money.

  1. Price change: Here I will take an example when Create advertising buy bitcoin
    Accordingly, when you create an ad, in case you choose to change Price, your coin price will be calculated according to the following formula:
    Coin price you actually pay = BitUSD price * Coin price at the reference exchange.
    Therefore, the price of the coin you actually pay will fluctuate according to the reference trading floor price.
    Price Variable - Basic: You only have to pay attention to 3 parameters below to start creating PR
    see more: Remitano quarterly update Q3 2020

Price bit USD: USD rate in dong currency. Then enter the maximum coin price which is the highest price you want to buy.
BTC price seen by the seller: The price displayed on the P2P exchange system. In particular, the price includes costs borne by the seller.
Amount of BTC: the amount of coin you want to trade
Finally, purchase the payment method you want to trade. Experience easier and faster with the remitano

In addition, if you purchase Variable - Enhanced Rates, a screen will show each other additional details about your promotion, including:

Price of BTC you actually paid = BitUSD price * Coin price at the reference exchange. For example, in the picture above I am buying the reference price from Bitstamp. That is, this price will correspond to the Bitstamp BTC rate at that time.

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