Rounding Decimals

When we have a decimal number with a lot number of digits after the decimal, in such cases we need to round the decimal number. NumPy rounds the decimal number to the nearest even values. So there are exactly five ways with the help of which we can round the numbers which are:

  • truncation
  • fix
  • rounding
  • floor
  • ceil

With the help of these, we can round the decimal as per our requirement.


Truncation helps in removing the decimals. And it helps in returning the float numbers which are closest to zero. This can be done with the help of two functions which are named trunc() and fix() functions.


In the process of rounding the function will increment the previous digit of numbers after decimal under one condition. The condition is such that if the number after that digit is greater than five and else it will not do anything. In order to round off, we use the around() function.


This will help in rounding off the decimal to the nearest lower integer. The function we use for performing this action is known as floor().


This function helps in rounding off the decimal number to the nearest upper integer. And the function which we can use for this purpose is ceil() .

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Rounding Decimals - NumPy uFuncs (Python Tutorial) - WTMatter
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