Let’s have some fun today! Everyone probably uses the Chrome browser at some point. And many knew that if you don’t have an internet connection Chrome will allow you to play dinosaur game. Today we are going to try to build a bot which will play this game for us.


What we are going to do is to capture part of the screen where the game is happening and take a screenshot of it. And we’re going to make it as fast as possible. Then we will convert the image into an array of pixel values. Dynobot will parse values if the pixels on the given part of the screen and if it detects an obstacle it will hit space and jump over it.


To build our bot we will use python because it provides various libraries for data parsing and computer vision. Here the list of libraries we going to need for our Dynobot:

Image for post

Make sure that all libraries installed globally or in your virtual environment.

Computer Vision

And now I can see! To give out bot ability to see the world we are going to use a **mss **library. It will take a picture of the giving part of the screen and save it into .png format.

#computer-vision #programming #python #games #chrom

Dynobot with Computer Vision
1.45 GEEK