With the COVID-19 pandemic that has been going on around the world, I need to state this first that it has been extremely tough to keep myself motivated enough to work on anything. Please don’t be hard on yourself if you can’t be productive or if you didn’t do anything amazing with the time you had. It’s been tough for all of us in our own sense and it is totally okay to just lie back and carry out the work to fulfill our basics necessitates. Listening to depressing news day in and day out does take a toll. I feel thankful to be one of the lucky ones who haven’t been affected by COVID-19. I hope everyone out there is doing the best they can amidst this pandemic that we are facing. We need to come out stronger at the end of this.

#penetration-testing #ctf #vulnerability #hacking #hackthebox #testing

Things I learned after rooting 25+ Hack the Box machines!
4.40 GEEK