What Is MongoDB?

MongoDB is a document-oriented database. This means that it doesn’t use tables and rows to store its data, but instead collections of JSON-like documents. These documents support embedded fields, so related data can be stored within them.

MongoDB is also a schema-less database, so we don’t need to specify the number or type of columns before inserting our data.

Image for post

Source: mongodb.com

MongoDB is a cross-platform, open-source, NoSQL database, used by many modern Node-based web applications to persist data.

Here’s an example of what a MongoDB document might look like:

  _id: ObjectId(1dc123a1234k),
  type: "Resources",
  title: "Introduction to MongoDB",
  author: "Davide C",
  tags: [ "mongodb", "data science", "resources", "nosql"  ],
  categories: [
      name: "javascript",
      description: "the most popular nosql database for apps"
      name: "databases",
      description: "the most popular nosql database for apps"
  content: "MongoDB is a cross-platform, open-source, NoSQL database..."

As you can see, the document has a number of fields (typetitle etc.), which store values (“Resources”, “Introduction to MongoDB” etc.). These values can contain strings, numbers, arrays, arrays of sub-documents (for example, the categories field), geo-coordinates and more.

The _id field name is reserved for use as a primary key. Its value must be unique in the collection, it’s immutable, and it may be of any type other than an array.

As you might guess, a document in a NoSQL database corresponds to a row in an SQL database. A group of documents together is known as a collection, which is roughly synonymous with a table in a relational database.

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The most popular NoSQL database for apps
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