In this blog we will see how we can do polyglot implementations with GraalVm. The pre-requisites for this are:

  • Understanding of GraalVm.
  • Knowledge of features GraalVm provides.
  • Local Setup of GraalVm.
  • A bit of java and python(Optional).

So let’s start.

What’s GraalVm?

GraalVm is an Open Source project from Oracle which aims to target the JVM so that many langauges can co-exist in the same application. GraalVm is not JVM, instead it’s a UVM (Universal Virtual Machine). It supports all languages that have a compiler which generates bytecode; this means that anybody working with Java, Scala, etc., can already use GraalVM. Thus all these langauges share the same VM and its capabilities. At the time of writing this post, GraalVm supports both Java 8 and 11 version.

Another key feature of GraalVm is the ability to create native images of our JVM based applications. This makes distributing and installing Java programs easier, eliminating the need for an additional JRE installation.

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Going Polyglot with GraalVm
1.75 GEEK