Flutter Discord Bot Created with Discord.js

Welcome to flutter-bot 🤖

This is a Flutter Discord bot created with Discord.js. This bot provides the useful resources like docs, pub plugins/packages and API docs, flutterfire docs.


Commands and Examples

  • @Bot Name

    On mentioning the bot will give you usage of commands embed message.

  • !\<Flutter Command\> help

    We have few Flutter commands and they are listed below

    • !topwidget - This command will show the top Package/Object you are searching for.

      • Eg: !topwidget hero

    • !allwidgets - This command will show you the all Packages/Objects related to your search.

      • Eg: !allwidgets hero

    • !prop - This will help you with property you are searching for a particular widget.

      • Eg: !prop hero.tag

    • !allprop - This command will show all the properties of a Package/Object you are searching for.

      • Eg: !allprop hero

  • !\<Pub Command\> help

    We have few pub commands and they are listed below

    • !pub - This command will give you the top search of the packages if given command matches with the package.

      • Eg: !pub google_fonts

    • !allpub - This command will show top 10 Packages result you are searching for.

      • Eg: !allpub google_fonts

    We also have Pubdocs command that which provides you the Pub packae's/plugin's API documentation.

    • Eg: !pubdocs google_fonts

  • !\<Flutterfire Command\> list

    We have few Flutterfire commands and they are listed below

    • !flutterfire list - This command will give you the docs link about flutter firebase.

      • Eg: !flutterfire list

    • !flutterfire <your required docs>

      • docs
      • analytics
      • auth
      • firestore
      • functions
      • messaging
      • storage
      • core
      • crashlytics
      • database
      • remote-config
      • performance

Running the Bot

  1. Clone the repository.

    git clone https://github.com/yahu1031/FlutterBot.git
  2. Create a .env file in root folder and paste this code given below.

    BOT_TOKEN=your bot token
    MAINTAINERID=ID of the bot maintainer


    1. Prefix variable is recommended to be !.

    2. The links in the environment variables must not be disturbed.

  3. Get the dependency modules.

    npm i
  4. Run the bot.

    npm run start

NOTE: If you want to follow eslint and markdownlint please do install plugins for them.

👤 Author


🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page. You can also take a look at the contributing guide. Please don’t forget to check Code of Conduct.

💪 Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!

📝 License

Copyright © 2020 minnu.
This project is MIT licensed.

New Changes ➕

Pub API documentaion for all PUB packages.

Hidden Commands

Three commands has been hidden from the commands available.

  • !ask <USER_ID>
  • !code
  • !java install/jdk/jre

Add this bot to your guild

Click on the bot to add this to your guild. 🤖

NOTE: By default this bot has Administrator rights. Please do change the rights as you wish after adding it to your guild or use this Permissions Calculator to calculate permissions and add your bot ID to generate a invite link.

What’s-up on the next update

Ahhhh…, not yet planed 🤣.

Download Details:

Author: yahu1031

Source Code: https://github.com/yahu1031/FlutterBot

#flutter #dart #mobile-apps

Flutter Discord Bot Created with Discord.js
16.45 GEEK