Can you feel it? DockerCon is just days away. There’s still time to register before the one-day, free, virtual extravaganza takes place this Thursday, May 27. Demonstrations, product announcements, company updates — you name it, it’s on the program. All of it focused on modern application delivery in a cloud-native world.

Do DockerCon your way. There’s tons of options. Be sure to catch our line-up of top-notch keynote speakers, which includes Docker CEO Scott Johnston, CTO Justin Cormack, VP of Products Donnie Berkholz, and special guests from GitHub and Orbital Insight.

Check out our recent blog on what not to miss, such as sessions on coding using Docker’s new HTTP APIs, a dive into Docker Dev Environments, tips for navigating a multi-architecture world, and what to do if your container image has more vulnerabilities than you have Twitter followers.

Got questions? Find answers via Live Panels hosted by Docker Captain Bret Fisher, join Peter McKee on two developer focused panels and participate in Hema Ganapathy’s women’s panel. Just put your questions on selected topics in chat, and the team will do their best to answer them. Note: These live streamed Q&A sessions tend to be DevOps focused and super practical.

And don’t forget to come celebrate our global community in Community Rooms — a first at DockerCon.

#dockercon #docker #devops

DockerCon Is Almost Here!
2.20 GEEK