A Customizable and Simple Snackbar Component for React Native

React Native SnackBar (rn-snackbar-component)

A snackbar component for Android and iOS, customizable and simple.

See Google Material Design for more info on Snackbars.


npm install --save rn-snackbar-component

Basic Usage

import SnackBar from 'rn-snackbar-component'



      message="Hello There!"
      actionHandler={() => {
        console.log("snackbar button clicked!")
      action="let's go"


         <View style={{ flex: 1, flexDirection: 'column'}}>
           <TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={0.5} onPress={doSomething}>
      actionHandler={() => {
        console.log("snackbar button clicked!")
        <Icon name="close" size={20} />


Prop Type Effect Default Value
visible boolean Show or hide the snackbar none
message string / element The main message text / your custom component none
actionHandler function Function to be called when button is pressed, if absent no action button is shown none
action string / element The text of action button, will be uppercased automatically / your custom component none
containerStyle object The styling of snackbar container none
actionTextStyle object action button text style { color: ‘orange’}
actionContainerStyle object your custom component for action’s style none
messageStyle object The style of message text { color: ‘#ffffff’}
distanceCallback function Function to be caled whenever snackbar moves in and out or changes layout, the function will be supplied a number indicating distance taken up by snackbar on bottom. (distance) => {}
bottom number The starting bottom position of snackbar 0
top number The starting top position of snackbar 0
position string The position of the snackbar: top, bottom bottom
autoHidingTime number How many milliseconds the snackbar will be hidden 0 (Do not hide automatically)


  • When visible prop is changed, the snackbar will be animated in/out of screen
  • When position is top/bottom, you can specify those properties, e.g. position=“top” top={10} (or) position=“bottom” bottom={10}

Download Details:

Author: smartameer

GitHub: https://github.com/smartameer/rn-snackbar-component

#react-native #programming #react

A Customizable and Simple Snackbar Component for React Native
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