Over the last 2.5 years, I’ve been working with AWS and a wide range of its services. In this post, I’ll describe some of the tools that I use.

Over the last 2.5 years, I’ve been working with AWS and a wide range of its services. During this time, I noticed that for most projects, it’s useful to be able to test your application against AWS services without having to deploy or move your code into the cloud. There are several free solutions available for you to use depending on the services required by your project. In this post, I’ll describe some of the tools that I use.

DynamoDB Local

At one of my previous projects, we made extensive use of the combination of DynamoDB and Elasticsearch for storing and querying data. The fact that DynamoDB is a managed database service with immense scale and performance benefits makes DynamoDB a great fit for high traffic applications.

As a user, it’s quite simple to use as it’s a key-value store. Most of the other AWS databases are managed instances of existing services. However, DynamoDB is an AWS specific service that you can’t really download and install locally. Luckily, back in 2018, AWS introduced a simpler way to work with DynamoDB utilizing DynamoDB local, a dockerized version of DynamoDB. You can simply run as a docker container to develop and test against.

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Useful Tools for Local Development With AWS Services
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