We are going to discuss the state of RxJS, because the next major version – RxJS 7 – is around the corner. We are going to take a closer look at new features, deprecations, and removals in both v7 and v7.1 and what to look forward to v8.

In this article, we are going to discuss the state of RxJS, because the next major version – RxJS 7 – is around the corner. Let’s take a closer look at new features, deprecations, and removals in both v7 and v7.1 and what to look forward to v8.


Improved Stability#

I know, this sounds like a moot point but the RxJS team has made some changes on how they release new versions to improve stability.

The RxJS team is partnering with Google, thus ensuring smooth and stable releases. Google will run pre-release versions of RxJS against their mono-repo build targets where RxJS is used widely.

If anything breaks, they work together with RxJS core team to resolve the issues. The goal here is to ensure that releases are as stable as possible especially patch and minor releases which should be safe to update to.

Latest Typescript Version Support#

RxJS is adopting features from the latest versions of Typescript. By supporting the latest version of Typescript, we get the following benefits:

**Type Inference **#

Type inference around n-argument is being improved, by allowing TypeScript to do all the type inference. Before, there was a limit of around 8 argument before RxJS could not infer the type anymore, but thanks to TypeScript, this limit no longer exists. This allows RxJS to return an observable whose types closely match the arguments passed.

Union Types Improvements#

Unions types are also being improved, ensuring type inference around return types are accurate without needing to explicitly type things.

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The State of RxJS. RxJS 7 and Beyond
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